Monday, December 7, 2009

Texas Government - Local and State

Texas local government across the board is not as strong as some, because there are so many chiefs. One agency has to report to another before they can get anything done. Our strongest local government is Houston with Mayor White, he can call shots without this huge assembly lien of agencies in the middle. He can even veto some decisions being made. There are several states that have local governments that operate this way, like New York and California has a few. Apparently people are not satisfied with that because many of them seem to be moving to the Great Texas. The local government of Texas is probably at its best this way, because the people's voices can be heard best. Being that the elected officials will be more accountable and if they want reelection they better listen more carefully to what the majority voter thinks. State government have even less accountability because there are so many agencies to pass the buck. We have for example four agencies that have to report to one agency and another group that has to report to another and so on and the effect of it all is losing momentum, strength, and effectiveness in reaching goals.

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